High-dimensional dynamics of generalization error in neural networks
generalization dynamics of large NN trained by GD
- GD naturally protect against overtraining and overfitting
- more data decreases impact of weights initialization
- low genrgalization error requires small initial weights
- a frozen space where no learning occurs
- directions with zero eigenvalues
- low eigenvalues lead to serious overfitting
- early stop can be effective, since its slow to learn
- a large eigengap can protect against overfitting
L2 regularization performs best under Gaussian noise assumptions
- teacher NN generates ramdom labels for student NN to learn
- catastrophic overtraining when model complexity matches the size of training set
- larger NNs are better
- NN with wide hidden layer can be expressive
- even with first layers fixed
- random CNNs can also achieve good results
- contradict VC dim or Rademacher bounds
- effective complexity constrained by initialization of NN -> low Rademacher complexity even with more neurals
- GD trained NN learns a simpler function first