Notes for Flex and Bison

1 minute read


needed for course: practice of compiler design

a simple word count ==> done!

  • gcc lex.yy.c -lfl
  • actually has a default rule of . ECHO
    • turn off by %option nodefault
int chars = 0;
int words = 0;
int lines = 0;
[a-zA-Z]+ { words++; chars += strlen(yytext); }
\n { chars++; lines++; }
. { chars++; }
main(int argc, char **argv)
printf("%8d%8d%8d\n", lines, words, chars);

BNF grammars

  • no need to reduce left resursion?
  • bison reports conflict when ambiguity detected
  • bison only handle LL(1) or LR(1) grammar?

include bison generated .h file in .l file

well i found this

  • for reference when implmenting compiler for mini-c
  • start states
    • kind of like that in automata
    • diff. state defines diff. scanners

yyterminate: return immediately

only with % yylineno will flex maintain yylineno

  • still need to initialize to 1 manually

important(?) regex from pp.38/58


  • for most of the cases, only LALR(1) supported
  • no ambiguity, no more than one look ahead char.
  • create a union for AST
    • declare which token holds which value
    • and need to assign corresponding value in .l file
  • define precedence in bison
    • %left, %right

define user function

  • user function also parsed to a AST

left recursive better in bison

  • right recursive cause large stack

skip Chap. 4 for SQL parsing