Gradient Descent Can Take Exponential Time to Escape Saddle Points

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time for theory papers! focus on works from Simon S. Du this time

for non-convex problem, GD can find a stationary point in poly. time

  • stationary point? saddle points, local minimizer
  • GD can escape saddle point
    • given that 1. local min. are global min. 2. saddle points are strict
    • hold for ML problems!2
    • incorporate perturbations: escape in poly. time
    • no perturbations: proofed to be exp. time <- this work


  • initialization within a thin band
  • initialization far away from saddle point
  • what about natural cases?
    • exists a function s.t. w.h.p. GD cannot visit second-order stationary point in T <= exp(omega(d))
    • excape 2 or more saddle points sequentially