DISN Deep Implicit Surface Network for High-quality Single-view 3D Reconstruction

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  • low res.
  • fixed representation but limied topology(e.g. holes)
  • Chanfer Distance or EMD: approx. metrics
  • study global features but ignore details
    • introduce a local feature module
    • project query point into input image -> get a local patch

Signed Distance Functions

  • implicit representation
  • propose a DISN to predict SDF
  • potential to generate infnite res. 3D model
  • continuous function: R^3 -> R, SDF(p) = distance from surface


  • regress SDF
    • based on global feature and local feature
  • local feature?
    • extracted from endoder, then concat
  • map 3d point to 2d image
    • estimate cam pose first!
  • marching cubes to get iso-surface