Learning Category-Specific Mesh Reconstruction from Image Collections
human brain: previous birds in 3d ==> new birds in 3d, given its 2d view
input data: no 3d gt needed!
- 2d image
- object category
- foreground masks
- semantic keypoints
- shape
- actually diff. with mean shape
- mean shape: predetermined(similar to hand reconstruction SOTA paper…which enables high accuracy on relatively small data, maybe)
- starting with convex hull of keypoints, then finetuned(how? refer to code on github, some models are manually selected?)
- camera / viewpoint
- texture
- texture flow: flow based on input image
- UV mapping: paint on a unit ball, then deform the ball to, say, a bird
- key points, camera, texture
- and some priors
- symmetry
- smoothness
- deformation regularization: small diff. matrix
- entropy of keypoint association matrix
- keypoint as a distribution on vertices
Neural mesh renderer
- read later…